Youth Program Area

The Mission and Ministry Council provide District congregations, church workers, and lay people with support, assistance, and training in various areas of ministry.  The Mission and Ministry Council, made up of a committee of professional church workers and lay people from the District, is able and ready to provide resources and guidance in their respective ministry areas.  Professional church workers and lay people are encouraged to contact the Mission and Ministry Council for assistance in their ministries

Middle & High School

“Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth…” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). The middle and high school years can be very difficult for young Christians. Here you will find resources to instruct, support, and encourage those younger Christians in your congregation who are navigating that exciting time in life when they are no longer children, but not quite adults.

Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) equips teens to develop and use their leadership skills as they serve Christ within their congregations and communities. At this link you will find resources and training to equip teens to lead and mentor each other.


Over the years, thousands of Lutheran youth have participated in LCMS Servant Events, learning that serving others can make a difference because of Jesus Christ. LCMS Servant Events equip God’s people to grow in their faith through serving, sharing Christ and developing relationships. Learn more about servant event opportunities and find information on how to plan or host a servant event.

Camp Minneboji

Camp Minneboji is held every year at Camp Okoboji in NW Iowa. The summer camp, for kids in grades 4-9, features Bible study, mission presentations, music, crafts, sports, recreation, a camp T-shirt and the chance to meet new Christian friends. Camp registration and fee are required to attend. Camp week is June 16 – June 22, 2024. This year’s camp theme is “Blessed”. The Camp registration fee is $450 for the week. The Honor’s Camp registration is $480 for the week. The registration deadline is May 1.

Please download the Camp Booklet for registration materials and details and to find all of the information you will need to have a great summer camp experience.

Higher Things Gatherings

The mission of Higher Things® is to assist parents, pastors, and congregations in cultivating a distinctly Lutheran identity among their youth and young adults. To fulfill this mission, Higher Things:

  • Catechizes youth through instruction in Christian doctrine and life from the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions
  • Publishes literature, curricula, resource materials, and articles using print media and electronic media
  • Organizes regional conferences, local retreats, and other events
  • Encourages youth to consider vocations of service in the church
  • Resources parents in nurturing and catechizing their children;
  • Equips youth to confess the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people
  • Equips church workers and youth leaders for confessional Lutheran youth ministry
  • Encourages youth to consider vocations of service in the church

Higher Things® is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

The Higher Things website will provide you with information about national conferences and regional retreats. You will also find a wealth of other resources to assist you in your youth ministry.

Bible Bowl

Each year The South Dakota District hosts a Bible Bowl for students in grades 6-12 of the current academic year. The Bible Bowl’s questions come from sections of the Bible and from Luther’s Small Catechism and the subjects vary from year to year.

Bible Bowl 2022

Bible Bowl will be held on Saturday, March 26th at Faith Lutheran Church, 714 North Grand Avenue, Pierre, SD. The schedule will have a brief Judges meeting along with Registration verification at 9 am. We will begin with opening devotions at 9:30 am. Individual competition will take place about 11:30 am. Please check over the Bible Bowl Rules for specific details.

The topic this year is the Book of Genesis, chapters 1-36 (English Standard Version) and the first article of the Apostles’ Creed from Luther’s Small Catechism (pp.102-119; 1986 version, ESV version). 


Registration can be done via snail mail or email, please either email a digital copy of the form, or just type out the appropriate information into a standard email to Rev. Marcus Ring at

Bible Bowl Rules

Preparation Resources

Follow these links in preparation for the Bible Bowl:
(These resources are not available yet – but will be in the near future.)

Practice Quizzes
Practice Test & Answers

LCMS National Youth Gathering

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod hosts a National Youth Gathering (NYG) every three years. The next NYG is scheduled for July 9-13, 2022 in Houston, TX. DCE Lorien Petersen serves as The South Dakota District National Youth Gathering Coordinator. She is able to answer all of your questions and assist you in your NYG planning.

The LCMS National Youth Gathering Homepage is your go-to for information and up to date news about the upcoming LCMS National Youth Gathering. Visit the site regularly for registration information, NYG planning help, and schedule of events and activities.

2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering Memory Book

Youth ESource

The Youth ESource is published by the LCMS Office of Youth Ministry and provides Jesus-centered resources for those who work with youth in the LCMS. New resources, articles and blog posts are added every week. It is an extremely helpful resource for those involved in youth ministry. At their website you can sign up to receive their weekly e-mail update.


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